a bee on a purple flower in a field

Honey Candles Successful "Save the Bees" Promotion for 2011!

“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left.
No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.” - Albert Einstein 

honey beeHoney bees are disappearing at an alarming rate.  In spite of concerted efforts by scientists to find out why, we have seen little improvement. As pure beeswax candle makers and consumers of food needing bee pollination, we are concerned about the current state of honey bees.  The last two years we have worked to create awareness about this situation and to give you the opportunity to help. If you've been following the Honey Candles® newsletters, Facebook and Twitter pages, and previous beeswax blogs you will have noticed a recurring theme: Saving our Honey Bees! In 2010 Honey Candles® donated to the Canadian Honey Council for research projects.

We received such a positive response to the 2010 campaign we revamped the pure natural beeswax Peek-a-Bee Pillar and expanded the Save Our Bees Campaign in 2011.  $2 from the purchase of every Peek-a-Bee Pillar was donated by Honey Candles® to benefit research to save our honey bees. The campaign ended October 31 2011. We donated $1,696.00 to the Canadian Honey Council in Canada where 848 Peek-a-Bee Pillars were sold and we donated $526.00 to The Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees in the United States where 263 Peek-a-Bee Pillars were sold.  

We never imagined the campaign would be such a hit! Thank you to the stores and their amazing customers who so totally embraced this program by buying natural beeswax Peek-a-Bee Pillars and made it such a success. You have shown us that you are aware of the plight of the honey bee and want to help put an end to it. You have made us proud and Honey Candles® is so pleased to have such a caring and generous following.

To find out more about honey bees check out these links:
How do Bees Benefit Living Creatures?

Why Honey Candles is supporting bee research

Why do Honey Bees Need our help?

How is beeswax made?

Published By Pat Cattermole

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