We are all noticing how life around us has changed. Everywhere you look someone is on their IPhone, their I Pod, a desktop, their Kindle, an Android, a Blackberry – you name it almost all of us has at least one of these and we spend a lot of time on it.
On March 29 at 8:30 PM it is Earth Hour. The first Earth Hour took place in 2007 in Sidney, Australia. It is now a worldwide event designed to bring attention to our consumption of energy and to raise awareness for the planet. This year let’s resolve to spend at least one hour unplugged. Shut off the lights, light a beeswax candle (or several, make sure your candles are natural and non-toxic), pull out a board game or read a paperback. Turn off your electronics including your television and do anything that doesn’t have you hooked into the internet. Enjoy the company of family and friends. What you will notice right away is the silence. Electronics often create at the very least a low buzzing sound, at their worst they can be obnoxiously loud. We hope this Earth Hour the only sound in your house is laughter. At our house we may pull out our Backgammon board. It has been retired so long we may have to read the rule book to be able to play.
How are you going to celebrate Earth Hour this year?