pure beeswax votive candles in a box with oranges and pine cone in front of a picnic patterned cloth

Surprising Things our Customers Tell us About Beeswax Candles

scented beeswax candlesWe often get great feedback from our customers. It is usually about how beautifully our beeswax candles burn or how fast and awesome our customer service is. Sometimes people tell us that they have switched to beeswax recently because of a recommendation from a friend or something they have read. Typically those customers say something like this:

“I have been so upset with the residue on my windows, curtains etc. from burning regular paraffin candles that I was searching for a cleaner alternative from a Canadian source. I’m sure I will be pleased and be ordering more (beeswax candles) in the future.” Laura, Beamsville ON

“I just love the candle(s). The aroma is lovely and it looks so pretty when it’s burning. I’ll definitely be buying more.”  Nadine, Toronto ON

I received a letter just last month that was a little different and I was so pleased to have this special comment from Amy in Kingston ON about our beeswax candles, “The candles arrived promptly and in great condition. I manage a non-profit called the Earth Centre and we gave the tealights away for Earth Hour.

I absolutely love candles but they tend to irritate my asthma so my dad sent me a package of these for Christmas. They aren’t irritating and I love them. Thank you for a great product and service. “

It makes us very happy to hear that people suffering from asthma who love candles can burn Honey Candles® beeswax candles confident it won’t set off their asthma. We have heard this before from customers but we always love to hear it again!

Here is something that really surprised me and I had never thought of before. Laura in Calgary AB takes care of rescue dogs and cats. She likes to burn beeswax candles for them, especially our Honey Candles® Essentials Country Lavender.

Here’s what she had to say about that, “We try to make the environment for our animals as stress free as possible. The ways in which we do so changes as the situation requires.We use essentials oils in combination with our supplementation to try to make the ‘animal family’ members lives happier. If you have an animal family you know how they hate when you go away for a few days, or when their environment and routines change, perhaps they are bothered by thunder or lightening, the full moon, they are so sensitive. I always use lavender as part of the calming regime.”

I also heard this from Courtney in Calgary, "We can't live without them now (beeswax candles), they make such a difference to the indoor air quality. Plus, they calm our newest rescue dog within minutes of lighting, it's quite amazing to watch the transformation."

As an animal lover I found this really interesting that lavender and burning beeswax candles calms sensitive animals. Maybe more of us need to burn beeswax candles as part of our after work wind down, particularly if it involves a stressful commute!

Our customers have given you three good reasons to buy beeswax candles

  • They are cleaner burning than paraffin and burn beautifully
  • If you are asthmatic or know someone who is, burning beeswax should not be an irritant
  • If you or your pets need a calming de-stressor consider burning beeswax candles, you might like to try our Essentials line with Country Lavender both in a 3 oz tin or votive style

Here is the entire Honey Candles® on-line store.

Photo by Marlie Marchewka

Published By Pat Cattermole

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