We get many e-mails from customers who have ordered our natural candles. If they just opened their box of beeswax Honey Candles they often comment on the exquisite, natural, sweet honey scent. It is wonderful how many of our customers buy from us again and again. I have been so thrilled by the response of so many that I have asked if I can share with you some of what they have said to us. I think every testimonial tells a story about the candle burner.
Sonya who lives in Crested Butte Colorado tried another beeswax candle brand because she was hoping to avoid shipping across the border. Once was enough and she ordered Honey Candles again and this is what she said, “Your candles are the BEST!!! They are perfectly wonderful!! I tried another stateside candle maker and they are NOT the same!! It is so very nice to have the wonderful treat of your candles for these dark, holiday months, Thank you! Thank you! Honey Candles are truly the best candles!!”
Susan lives in Tehkummah Ontario. After reading what she had to say and finding out how important candlelight is to her I am so glad she ordered beeswax candles. “We live in a farmhouse, built in 1908, and live in it much as they must have done back then. We have no power, save own manual labor, and survive thanks to an old workhorse cookstove. We have no generator, no solar panels, no wind turbines, no propane utilities. In the evenings, we eat by candlelight, which is warm and romantic – but our candles were petroleum-based and I always hated the smell. When I learned how bad they were, I went on a search for the real thing: beeswax made in Canada. Oh sweet joy! After just one evening, I know that these candles (luxurious indeed) are well worth what may seem at first glance to be an extravagance. Great product and great customer service.”
Sandy of West Vancouver British Columbia had this to say about our Honey Candles® Emergency Candles, “I have never seen anything like these candles before and the coolest thing is the little candles in the tin with the metal bars can be used for heating cans of food. So perfect for emergencies.”
Jeff of New York City was really happy to receive his candles and he commented on something we are very proud of – our customer service. “Lovely to hear from you, Pat. I couldn’t be more pleased with the candles. They provide a fantastic glow. I will definitely be placing a larger follow-up order with you. The packaging, the catalog and of course, the personal hand-written Thank You note were much appreciated.”
We are delighted that our customers are happy with their candles and I so appreciate that they take the time to tell us. I know our candles are made with extreme care in our shop. Wendy in our shipping department, packs them well, always mindful of their long journey ahead. Our beeswax candles go across this continent to many different parts of North America and Japan too! It is so gratifying to hear that our customers love them! Thank you for your bouquets!
Please share your Honey Candles experiences with us just as Sonya, Susan, Sandy and Jeff have. Your hugs make us happy! What do you want us to know about how you feel when you buy and burn beeswax Honey Candles®?
If you want to hear more of what people have to say about us click here!