Are you looking for beeswax candles? Are you looking for beeswax candles in the United States? Or are you looking for beeswax candles in Canada? Honey Candles are made in Canada but we have stores in both countries. We do not have a list of stores that sell Honey Candles® on our website. However, we do want you to be able to find stores that are selling our beeswax candles. Here are the ways we promote our stores and how you might find them.
First off we want the information to be fresh and timely. For this we use our Twitter account. Every time a store orders Honey Candles it is posted on Twitter. You can go to the Twitter search and hashtag #beeswaxHoneyCandles and all the stores that we sent orders to in the last few weeks will come up. You can check to see if there is a store in your town or city because that information is provided. This is especially great if there is a new store because then it is noted as being NEW. I hope that you will use this system. If you are a Twitter user follow us. That way you will get all the current information and know when a store has an order coming!
Not signed up for Twitter but you love Pinterest? Go to the Honey Candles board Where to find beeswax Honey Candles®. There are links there to the store websites that have Honey Candles®. Unfortunately not all our stores have websites or websites that have pinnable photos but the major stores are there. If you are a store with a website with pinnable photos not on this board contact us with the info and we will ‘pin’ you. Don’t forget to follow us on Pinterest!
We follow many of our customers on Facebook. If the store posts a photo of their display of Honey Candles and we catch it we repost it on our Facebook page. It is good promotion for both Honey Candles and the store. We love collaborating with the retailers. If you are looking for a store in your town that sells Honey Candles and you can’t find one on Twitter or Pinterest or that just doesn’t work for you contact us through the website. We will look to see if there is a store near you and get back to you. And if you are a store that has posted a photo of your Honey Candles display on Facebook contact us to make sure we notice so we can share on our FB site. It’s really important to us to get the buyers and sellers together. That way we all win.
We have recently moved on to Google+ and we are loving it! The same applies here as on Facebook. We are following some of our stores and if you post a photo of a display and we catch it we repost so all can see it.
Of course there is always Honey Candles on-line store!
If you think there is something else we could be doing to make sure candle lovers are able to find natural beeswax Honey Candles please comment!
Photos by Marlie Marchewka